Bookstore, eBook Purchase

When you purchase an eBook from the university bookstore, please note the following:
  • Even a purchase of an eBook may require the bookstore to process the request, which can take up to 12-24 hours during normal business hours. If you purchase an eBook over the weekend, it may take until Monday morning to receive the Access Email with instructions on accessing the eBook.
  • An Access Email is sent to you by the bookstore for accessing your eBook. Sometimes this email can get caught in your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ email, so please check those email folders first for your Access Email.
  • If you have not received your Access Email with the instructions for accessing the eBook, you need to directly Contact the Bookstore.

Please Note:

You are free to look for alternative eBook options from other sources, such as Amazon, VitalSource, Google, Apple, etc.