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Barbara Elliot

Barbara Elliott, PhD

Faculty Member

Dr. Barbara Elliott is Dean of the School of Health Sciences at College of the North Atlantic in Newfoundland and Labrador. Her educational background includes a Doctorate of Philosophy (Adult Education Leadership), Master of Nursing, and Bachelor of Nursing. She has 25 years of teaching experience and has research interests in the areas of online student engagement, faculty mentorship, and outpatient breast cancer surgery. Barbara is a reviewer for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN), an International Registered Nurse Examination Item Writer for The National Council of State Boards of Nursing, and serves as a board member for the Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs (CAAHP).

Research Interests: online teaching, nursing education, faculty mentorship

De Carvalho, D., Bussières, A., French, S. D., Wade, D., Brake-Patten, D., O’Keefe, L., Elliott, B., Budgell, K., O’Reilly, S., To, D., & Hall, A. (2022). Exploring factors influencing chiropractors’ adherence to radiographic guidelines for low back pain using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 30(1), 23.

Roopnarinesingh, R., Chowdhury, F., Eisbrenner, J., Saporna, S., Trunkova, J., & Elliott, B. (2021). Improving the health of migrant workers: A community health nursing advocacy project. International Journal of Student Nursing Scholarship, 8(2021).

Elliott. B. (2021). Pandemic teaching: Unveiling opportunities for hope. International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practices, 8, 342.

Elliott, B. (2021). Discarding my 20-year teaching playbook during COVID-19. Presented at the Speaker Series: 2nd Virtual Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care, March 19-20, 2021.

De Carvalho, D., Bussières, A., French, S. D., Wade, D., Brake-Patten, D., O’Keefe, L., Elliott, B., Budgell, K., O’Reilly, S., To, D., & Hall, A. (2021). Knowledge of and adherence to radiographic guidelines for low back pain: A survey of chiropractors in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 29(4).

Elliott, B. (2017). Clinical teaching: A workshop for instructors. Presented at College of the North Atlantic, February 2017.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2010). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37(2).

Elliott, B. (2008). Exploring job satisfaction of nursing faculty in Newfoundland and Labrador. Presented at the 2008 Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Conference, Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 2008.

Elliott, B. (2008). Exploring job satisfaction of nursing faculty in Newfoundland and Labrador. Presented at the 2008 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Leadership Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 2008.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2008). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Presented at the 2008 Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Conference, Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 2008.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2007). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Presented at the Nursing Education and Research Council Annual Research Symposium – Eastern Health, St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 2007.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2007). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Presented at the CASN Nurse Educator’s Conference, Hamilton, Ontario. November 2007.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2007). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Presented at the Community Health Nurses Association 1st National Conference for Community Health Nurses: Mapping the Future for Better Health, Toronto, Ontario, May 2007.

Greenslade, V., Elliott, B., & Mandville-Anstey, S. (2007). Same day breast cancer surgery: An appreciation of women’s experiences and recommendations for success. Presented at the University of Western Ontario 20th Annual Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario, April 2007.

Elliott, B. (2007). Enhancing faculty morale in nursing education. Presented at the Western Regional Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 2007.

Elliott, B. (2001). The implementation and evaluation of ‘Wise Choices: Adolescents and Nutrition’ Program. Presented at Memorial University of Newfoundland in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Nursing Degree, April 2001.