Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty Although providing sources and references is often an uninteresting task, it is a vital one. This could be when you have used a direct quotation, information, statistics, or summarized someone else’s words or ideas in your words.It is a good idea to get into the habit of providing full and accurate references. You […]

Key Technologies

Key Technologies Web Browser Learning online means you’ll be spending a lot of time in a web browser to access the Campus, obtain readings, do research, and so on. Not all web browsers are the same. While most will open most sites almost identically, some work better in our Moodle environment than others. Firefox (free) Overall, it […]

Credible Source Guide

Credible Source Guide What is a credible source? In your courses, you are often asked to use peer reviewed journal articles as references in your assignments and Discussion Questions. Why? Peer reviewed articles are considered the most credible sources available in academia. However, you won’t always be using peer reviewed articles from the library, so […]

APA, Book/ebook References

Citing a Book/ebook The following information is from the official APA blog providing key advice for citing different types of book information. Whole authored book Whole authored book Whole authored book Book published with new foreword by another author Several volumes of a multivolume work

Webinar, Zotero Bibliographic Software

Webinar, Zotero Bibliographic Software The following is a brief introduction to APA 7th edition supports, specifically using Zotero software for creating your own research library.

Troubleshooting Library Access Issues

Troubleshooting Library Access Issues Selecting a New Web Browser One of the easiest options for accessing our new system, if you’re having challenges, is trying a different web browser. You would select a browser that you have ‘not’ used previously for library or database research either for Yorkville University or for any other online libraries. […]

PSYC 6223, Online Textbook and Videos Option

PSYC 6223, Online Textbook and Videos Option The following information is directed to students taking PSYC 6223 who need access to the Group Counseling videos as opposed to purchasing the DVD from the bookstore.  You can purchase access to the videos online, however, it is important to note that it will be bundled with a […]

PSYC 6203/DCP 8413 Ebook of the Ethics Casebook

PSYC 6203/DCP 8413 Ebook of the Ethics Casebook The best way to obtain an eBook for the Ethics Case book is to directly purchase from the bookstore, they are now authorized to provide a complimentary PDF after you purchase from them. PLEASE NOTE, PDF copies are currently only available to students who have purchased a […]

MACP, Book Review Essay Support

MACP, Book Review Essay Support The following entry concerns the Book Review assignment for PSYC 6153, Counselling Methodologies – Psychodynamic and Humanistic Modalities. The bullet points outline Information Strategies for gaining a sense of the variety of books reviews that are possible, and highlighting ways to obtain your own strategies for higher education. Instructor Feedback […]

MACP, Nature vs Nurture Search Strategy

MACP, Nature vs Nurture Search Strategy The following searching advice provides some insight into how to search for the topic of “Nature vs Nurture”.  In this example, you will notice how a literal search for that exact phrase is less effective than conducting a Boolean search and also looking for additional, more specific scientific/technology terminology. […]

PSYC 6104, Revel Access to Special Online Resources From Pearson

PSYC 6104, Revel Access to Special Online Resources From Pearson On occasion students will inquire about special access to resources associated with the Biopsychology textbook for 6104. Pearson does provide special online access to supportive resources via a service called REVEL.  This is not necessarily a freely accessible site, it may involve additional payment for […]

PSYC 6104, Finding the ebook titled “Respect Focused Therapy”

PSYC 6104, Finding the eBook titled “Respect Focused Therapy” This is a brief set of instructions for how to access the ebook “Respect Focused Therapy” from the library. The primary way to identify an ebook is by means of a simple search of our ​Discovery Service​ search option. This searches across our entire library collection. […]